Gemnote7 Who Is YOUR Anime Boss?

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Accuracy Rating:
92% (467 votes)
Crossover Anime and Manga Quizzes
anime, bekko, boss, komui lee, lloyd, manga, urahara
114 members Favoritefavorite
AMYROSEANDSONIC TokyoXAmerica Zahraa112 WolfKing702 Stray Yandere Chu jsg126 Pirena000 Kaiyui Kazuto XxKuraikajiKxX sunayurichan29 Daughter Of Satan poppy1016 Motaku1235 deitachi okita Ashlorrmull namiwabakemono pikapower21 sasuke sarutobi4 Kazamas-Keyblade Ibnul2207 SkyeSkydrive hanayuri aquagoesbananas KrunchiDinoRoll inujade Kirarichan Yorie animeotaku1995 mkam31 mary1990 moegabriel Reiri Kyuchan Uzumaki tintinanimelover AnimeGal816 METALLICASH Kuroshitsujifan Lebinda IchigoKuromaru09 Sabriela Hellena Nino Umaka SealedWaterDemon Jeez555 chissu

    Hiya! How are yo?!

    Yo?....You mean "you" right....?
    I'm feeling great!
    Well, I've been better...
    Let's this over with! I have total confidence.
    ...Where the heck am I...?

    Lets get started with your interview! :)

    I hardly doubt I'll fail this.
    Well, if it raises my profits, then ok.
    Questions? Fire away!
    I handle your questions! Now, do you like my hat?
    I really don't want to do this anymore!
    Interview me? No no, You'll work for me!

    First, do you work well with others?

    I must say that I don't.
    If they are female, or young gifted pilots, then sure.
    I prefer to work alone.
    Of course! I love working with my team!
    I only lead people, not work with them.

    What is your main skill?

    Hmmm.... Building robots to take over the world? ...yeah thats right...
    Forcing loans/debts/panic attacks on people.
    ....Wooing the ladies.... ;-)
    I have many wonderful skills, like haggling.
    I don't have any of those werid skills!

    What do you have for lunch?

    Too busy. I don't have time for lunch.
    Lunch costs money, hmmm, I might have melon bread.
    Oh! Lunch! I can't wait! (Thats not a food....)
    My lovely Lenalee will make something for me! I can hardly wait! *wanders into wonderland*
    I prefer something simple, like a salad.

    Is money important?

    No, I would prefer love (or a really really big robot!)
    Hmm, well ... I ... Can't decide.
    Are you mad?! I couldn't live without my money!
    Ah, it is great.
    Meh, it could take it or leave it.
    I came to this interview to get a job, to make money. Think about it.

    Now, this question is kinda important, how would describe yourself ?

    (choose at least 2 and at most 5 answers)
    Maybe a bit mad.
    Hyper and happy!

    Okay, what would you do if I gave you a choice between keeping your job, or having anything you wanted?

    I don't need anything but my Lenalee!
    Hmm, anything?
    No, I'd like to keep my job, I cannot gain what I want so simply.
    I need my job to make my money!
    What I want is for you to stop asking such pointless questions!

    Okay, I should have asked this when you came in, but did you happen to see that hidden cat in the hallway? I think he's after my secret. O.o

    No...what cat?
    Don't worry. That cat is a friend of mine. he will not steal your secret
    Yeah, I saw the cat, I let him in here. >:-)
    No, sorry, I only see rabbits.
    The cat is too late! I already know your secret!

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